Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Our subcontinental divide!

NEW YORK, USA: I recently came across some interesting facts regarding the pay scales and the fringe benefits enjoyed by each member of our National Assembly.

According to a popular blog ATP (All Things Pakistan):

A Pakistani MNA’s salary and perks details are as follows:

** Monthly Salary Rs. 120,000 to 200,000
** Expense for Constitution per month: Rs.100,000
** Office expenditure per month: Rs.140,000
** Traveling concession: Rs. 8 per km
(For a visit to ISLAMABAD & return: 6000 km = Rs.48,000)
** Daily BETA during Assembly meets: Rs.500
** Traveling in first class (A/C) train all over PAKISTAN: Free and unlimited
** Charge for Business Class in flights with wife or P.A.: Free for 40 trips/ year
** Rent for Govt hostel any where: Free
** Electricity perks at home: Free up to 50,000 units
** Local phone facility: Free up to 1,70,000 calls

On the basis of the above, the total monthly expense for each MNA: Rs. 26,66,666 (26 lakhs+)

The total expense for a MNA per year comes out to be Rs.32,000,000 (3 crore 20 lakh rupees)

Keep in mind that these numbers are only the official estimates. You can imagine for yourself the unofficial sums easily acquired by a man in such a position.